One of the many things we did on our April 2014 trip was to hang pictures that I brought up as well as tweak items, to make rooms complete. My best friend Brenda is SUCH an asset on these trips because she has a wealth of knowledge and she is fearless! Dave and I had the Hopkins Mountainview Hideaway sign made last summer and I knew that I wanted it hung in the family room. It would be the first thing you would see when you stepped into the family room along with items displayed on the shelf that is about 8 feet up along the wall. We got the required hanging items and Brenda went to town!

Another room we tweaked was the Guest Bedroom AKA "The Glacier Room". We moved the antique prints that used to hang over the bed and placed them to the right of the doorway. I brought up one of dave's gorgeous pictures he took in 2012 of Lower Grinell Lake with Beargrass, inside of Glacier National Park. This hangs to the right of the chest of drawers.The Great Northern Railroad lantern on top of the chest of drawers is from Dave's collection. Over the years he has collected these lanterns from the various railroads that have all merged at one time or another to create the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad that he has worked for over 32 years. The Great Northern Railroad has been his favorite over the years. When he was a little boy living in the Seattle area his family would ride the Great Northern's Empire Builder to Michigan to visit family. This route actually skirts Glacier National Park and James Hill, founder of the Great Northern Railroad and nicknamed "The Empire Builder" himself, was instrumental in promoting Glacier National Park and advocated that it be designated a National Park. We have a very solid connection and it was important to incorporate this interesting information into our dream home.

We had a bear clock made for the bedroom and we hung it over the bed. I also brought up the second Juniper lamp (Dave had bought these 2 lamps last year in the Grand Canyon when he did his "Rim to Rim" hike with his 2 younger brothers) and moved the second nightstand into the bedroom. I was really pleased with the way it worked out.

Last summer when Dave had to undergo radiation he had a great attitude over the whole ordeal. He had decided to not feel sorry for himself but rather, asked God to let him be a blessing to someone else. God answered that prayer in the form of a parking valet at the radiation facility. Fabrizzio and his family moved from El Salvador to Texas a few years ago for political reasons. They had lived very comfortably in their former life but the suddenness of the move really hurt them financially; he felt blessed to even have a job. As he and Dave got to know one another better, Dave learned that he was an artist. Years ago he had been diagnosed with Parkinson's so he had to teach himself to draw, using dots instead of brush strokes. He had asked God to heal him, which God did but he never returned to using brush strokes. He asked if he could draw our Mountanview Hideaway for us and naturally Dave said YES! The end result just touched my heart deeply! We had it matted and framed and this past April, it was hung in the living room and eventually our leather sofa will sit underneath.

Dave and I with Fabrizzio and his lovely wife Jaleesa at Dave's "End of Radiation Party", August 2013.
I brought up another area rug that I had found earlier this year at Canton Trade Days. I have to be careful because rugs are my weakness and we have reached our limit on any more rugs for the house. This one however I fell in love with and decided it will go in the living room.
Dave was on a mission to find another antique cooler for us to keep firewood in. He found this smaller red one on E bay and once I got it to the house, I swapped it out with the turquoise one I had brought up last year. That one is now in the dining room next to the larger wood stove.
I brought up a load of books and placed some of them in the bookcase in the family room.
The other bookcase holds books and games that I brought up. This bookcase is in the "office" area which we had remodeled.
Tomorrow I will post pictures about the "office" remodel.